[Press Release] Denneboom Informal Traders get a fair deal!
Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR) is representing a group of informal traders from Mamelodi Danneboom Metrorail station. The informal traders went against the City of Tshwane and Developers of a new mall (worth 850m) at the Station. Today, the City of Tshwane and the Developers agreed to a structured court interdict after a series of negotiations.
The traders have agreed to relocate to a temporary trading facility, in the interim, the City of Tshwane and the Developers are interdicted and restrained from:
· Demolishing any existing structure, fixed or informal, used by traders for purposes of trading, in the area currently occupied by them;
· Unduly interfering with the traders’ trade by:
o Obstructing delivery of stock to their stalls,
o Obstructing public road access to their stalls,
o Disconnecting the water and electricity supply.
The City of Tshwane and the Developers have further agreed that at the temporary trading area, the following will be available to the traders:
· Containers for those traders who currently occupy fixed structures;
· Trading spaces for those who currently occupy informal stalls;
· Proper ablution facilities, including communal water and electricity.
The court order is also clear that determination of the location, layout, design and allocation criteria and conditions of occupation and trade, of trading spaces at the new mall shall be done after consultation with traders and all other relevant stakeholders, ensuring that trading conditions will in as far as possible be comparable to the traders current trading conditions.
For the full court order, download it here: http://www.lhr.org.za/sites/lhr.org.za/files/final_order.pdf
For more information on this case contact Carol Mohlala, Media and Communications Manager, 079 238 9826